
Welcome to Patrike

This site is my account of mostly of my hobbie of trike recumbent building and an account of a few other things.

The picture above is me - 2008 Ride for Heart - taken by Tim Hicks if I am not mistaken.

The name Patrike is derived from my name "Patrick" and "trikes" - you do the math.

I started many years ago and I have progressed slowly. I found out about Trike building just by looking around the WEB.  I came across a picture of a recumbent trike, not sure what I was looking for at the time but it was nothing to do with trike bicycles -- maybe it was trike motorcyles??

I did some more research - came across a page for an event, the Port Hope Trikefest Ontario.  I went to it and never looked back. 


This is a free site and I am new to it. Some things are limited and I did not want to load a ton of pic's becuase that is a lot of work when you are not sure on the reliability of the site. Anything you see on this page can be used but I am in no way, what so ever, responsible for you or what you build.  If you have never built anything before - as with anything, use common sense.

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